Welcome, MycoWizards of the World! If you’re here that means you have within you either a burgeoning fungal curiosity, a need to do some mycological trouble-shooting or you require some on-brand chatter to drown the drone of the flow hood while those plates stack up! Well, you have followed the mycelial network to the right place. Every other Friday (pretty much,) we deliver a new episode, oozing with metabolites. We may be diving into a common problem among commercial mushroom farmers, chatting with growers, scientists, enthusiasts, or submerging ourselves in the latest cutting edge cultivation technology! Join us and our host Erik Lomen as we descend further into this madness that is MycoWizardry!
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MyCo Planet
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It's easy to start something, It's another thing to carry it forward through time and space as it grows and morphs and develops its own definition of limbs allowing for an observed sense of autonomy. Sometimes we refer to this as making a Monster, building an Entity, generating Something larger than oneself. Regardless of scale, mushroom farms today fit into one of two categories, there are the ones who are innovating as they grow and there are those that take a form fit and follow a play book. The difference between the two is that one is waiting to sink while the other is swimming, simultaneously creating a current. MyCo Planet is innovating and driving swiftly towards this conceptual autonomy. Robin and Jake are stoked, taking chances, holding necessity and hard work in one hand and stoke and the almighty nerd factor in the other. The team they amass will surely make a splash in the currents of modern day mycology, so keep a keen eye on these folks as they make themselves innovative leaders in the myco-sphere!
Become A MycoWizard today and keep this show rolling over at www.mycowizards.com!