Welcome, MycoWizards of the World! If you’re here that means you have within you either a burgeoning fungal curiosity, a need to do some mycological trouble-shooting or you require some on-brand chatter to drown the drone of the flow hood while those plates stack up! Well, you have followed the mycelial network to the right place. Every other Friday (pretty much,) we deliver a new episode, oozing with metabolites. We may be diving into a common problem among commercial mushroom farmers, chatting with growers, scientists, enthusiasts, or submerging ourselves in the latest cutting edge cultivation technology! Join us and our host Erik Lomen as we descend further into this madness that is MycoWizardry!
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Sno Valley Mushrooms: Will Lockmiller
It’s easy to get pulled into the groundswell of hyper fixated myco-nerds at a mushroom festival. At some point after this conversation you are about to hear, Will Lockmiller of Sno Valley Mushrooms, Roger Rabbit and Robert Rogers, collected myself and Danielle Stevenson to go join Will and his partner for dinner at an obscure and hidden gem of an Olympic Peninsula Mexican Restaurant. Will and myself went down all of the mycological avenues and industry gossip like wolves in a rabbit den until we looked up to see everyone else a little more quiet than us. RR speaks up, “Jesus, are these two still talking about mushrooms?!” This reality rings true for a lot of us in the cultivation scene when we get together with one another. RRs statement and Robert Rogers’ smile broke up the one track hive mind and we began talking about secret research projects, art and life. I will always be grateful for this meeting of the minds in a secret little mini mall oasis of a Mexican Restaurant as far north as one can get in the OP of Washington State. There is so much to say about Will’s achievements with Sno Valley but we will let the full conversation tell the tale!
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