Welcome, MycoWizards of the World! If you’re here that means you have within you either a burgeoning fungal curiosity, a need to do some mycological trouble-shooting or you require some on-brand chatter to drown the drone of the flow hood while those plates stack up! Well, you have followed the mycelial network to the right place. Every other Friday (pretty much,) we deliver a new episode, oozing with metabolites. We may be diving into a common problem among commercial mushroom farmers, chatting with growers, scientists, enthusiasts, or submerging ourselves in the latest cutting edge cultivation technology! Join us and our host Erik Lomen as we descend further into this madness that is MycoWizardry!
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Flying Saucer Farms: Clint Jurek
Clint Jurek of Flying Saucer Farms has cultivated, conquered, fulfilled the desire and is on his way out of the mycological world! It’s always a challenge to accurately describe just how wild and intense the rampant growth rate of decentralized mushroom cultivators in the US has been. From 2008 until today the number of “commercial cultivators” within the US has grown by 5000% or more. Flying Saucer Farms was right there in the middle of this explosion, spurred on by much more than an Amadou Hat and a Ted Talk. This growth has happened before in the US and world at large, but so much has changed since the last myco-boom. Its pathway into the future is now based 100% on the lightning speed sharing of information and concepts. Clint is a philosophical polymath dedicated to teasing through external ideas, theologies and communication systems as well as sorting through the internal concepts and conflicts, drives and motivations of his own being. For Clint the mushroom cultivators lab, incubation space and grow room is a whole or complex of temples/longhouses/pagoda’s/sanctuaries for the mycologist to work out a myriad of ideas. We amateur mycologists are a sort of archetype and the systems for cultivation are of our own design. We live and work in these systems like mycelium in a substrate. At a point of growth, expansion means introducing a plethora of external forces that can commonly be representative of the open doored church on the corner. Contamination will always make its way through a pinhole. For some, this is the end of the line, what lies beyond, in terms of literal growth, is no longer interesting or connected to the initial desire for exploration and construction of the temple of mycelium. As Clint moves on and hands off his creation, the passing of the torch begins and a rewiring of internal drives take-hold. What happens next for Clint will always have a portion of its origins in the metabolism of fungi!
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