Welcome, MycoWizards of the World! If you’re here that means you have within you either a burgeoning fungal curiosity, a need to do some mycological trouble-shooting or you require some on-brand chatter to drown the drone of the flow hood while those plates stack up! Well, you have followed the mycelial network to the right place. Every other Friday (pretty much,) we deliver a new episode, oozing with metabolites. We may be diving into a common problem among commercial mushroom farmers, chatting with growers, scientists, enthusiasts, or submerging ourselves in the latest cutting edge cultivation technology! Join us and our host Erik Lomen as we descend further into this madness that is MycoWizardry!
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MadCap Mushrooms: Blake and Lindsey
The mythical Ween-loving duo of MadCap Mushrooms, Blake and Lindsey, jammed gears from the cold mountains of Vermont over to the blistery doom of Maine for what started as a tour of Cap N Stem and turned into a fully fledged podcast recording session! This podcast was recorded using the antiquated old mics from our earliest episodes, lending a quality we have always shot for. If you have ever been on a podcast you know the magic of the mic, the boom arm, the headphones and the perceived audience...the set and setting...it all opens up the doors to story-telling magick! Blake and Lindsey's origin story is steeped in a tea of youthful expansions and contractions from and back to the lands of their birth to the farthest reaches that one must go to find whatever it is one is dead set on discovering in this life. But in the end, it all comes back to the dawn of a joint obsession...mushrooms bursting from all corners of an enclosed living space until the spores replaced the notion of breathable air...this is their gift...as they consume our notions of a life without them, until all we can do is feed their need to be cultivated and consumed! In the end, the mushrooms get what the mushrooms want! So follow along, for this weeks MycoWizards episode is sure to offer some familiarity in the launch, the take over and the plans for expansion!
Become A MycoWizard today and keep this show rolling over at www.mycowizards.com!