Welcome, MycoWizards of the World! If you’re here that means you have within you either a burgeoning fungal curiosity, a need to do some mycological trouble-shooting or you require some on-brand chatter to drown the drone of the flow hood while those plates stack up! Well, you have followed the mycelial network to the right place. Every other Friday (pretty much,) we deliver a new episode, oozing with metabolites. We may be diving into a common problem among commercial mushroom farmers, chatting with growers, scientists, enthusiasts, or submerging ourselves in the latest cutting edge cultivation technology! Join us and our host Erik Lomen as we descend further into this madness that is MycoWizardry!
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Wumbo Genetics
One of the best parts about 2024's mushroom festival jaunt was running into Max of @wumbogenetics at the @farwestfungievents and the @okmushroomfestival ... Max is on a mission from fungi, dedicated to perpetually developing a suite of myco-products, refining a variety of lab processes and protocols as well building connections in the cultivation community. The hustle it takes to get into any specialization of the fungi industry is an intense one and Max is carving a multitude of pathways in directions directly connected to his curiosities; from myco-papers to vegan Japanese mushroom dishes and every microscopy angle accessible, Wumbo Genetics is keeping it fresh and exciting. Check him out and follow his work HERE!
Become A MycoWizard today and keep this show rolling over at www.mycowizards.com!